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A Moment Of Clarity

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Your new food: EARWAX??

Hey whats that buzz I hear?? Let me check it out with a cotton bud...Lemme twist and turn, dig deeper inside, round and round, searching through the crevice.

And voila, out comes a mosquito from inside my ear! All dead and ready to decompose!

This is but one example highlighting the mosquito menace plaguing Chennai. Things only seem to be getting worse with every passing year!

Is the government only concerned with bringing MNCs to dote the business landscape but allow the civic scape to rot? How long does the govt think foreign expats or dignitaries or business visitors would bear the alarming mosquito brigade in the city?

The lines that perhaps best describe the stand to be adopted by the government against mosquitoes and civic hygiene are from a past edition of the Christmas Pantomime, "Romeo and Julieto from Mexico" which goes like....